Pro Nephro AKI (NGAL) is now FDA-Cleared     READ MORE

The First FDA-Cleared Test for Pediatric AKI

ProNephro AKI (NGAL) for risk assessment

A Critical Addition to Acute Kidney Care

ProNephro AKI (NGAL) provides an additional data point for clinicians to identify patients ≥3 months to <22 years at risk of developing or having persistent, moderate-to-severe AKI within 48-72 hours after intensive care unit (ICU) admission.

Make complex and potentially life-saving care decisions earlier and more confidently.



Solid organ

BONE marrow

Diagram comparing NGAL Biomarker (2-hour response) and Serum Creatinine (48-72 hour response) in detecting kidney issues, highlighting a 2-48 hour intervention window.

Capitalize on the Window of Clinical Intervention

The NGAL biomarker rises rapidly in response to kidney injury, preceding changes in creatinine by as much as 2 to 3 days.i

By identifying patients at risk of AKI early, clinicians can take more appropriate action to manage fluid levels, avoid nephrotoxic agents, and potentially prevent permanent kidney damage.i

US Commercial Availability Expected in 2025

ProNephro AKI (NGAL) will be distributed through Roche Diagnostics. Join our mailing list to stay updated on product availability.

Identify AKI Days Earlier than SCr

Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is difficult to assess early because the current standard of care relies on changes in serum creatinine (SCr) and urine output, physiologic endpoints that are delayed, non-specific, and impacted by extrarenal factors such as nutrition status and muscle mass.ii

1 in 5 critically ill children with severe AKI will remain undiagnosed if creatinin alone is used.iii

“I have changed my management decisions on rounds and definitely changed the way I approached different patients based on NGAL results.”

About ProNephro AKI (NGAL)

A particle-enhanced turbidimetric immunoassay for the in vitro quantitative determination of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL).

Sample type
3 µL urine

Assay run time
~ 10 minutes on Roche cobas c 501 analyzer

Result availability
Similar to a comprehensive metabolic panel; varies according to your laboratory’s collection and processing schedule